Since Warzone ranked is maybe coming—I was gonna make an improvement guide video, but this dude Dreamstrike already made all the guide videos, great edits & above average player. I might supplement what’s missing.
Edit (Nov.2023): It looks like they’ve decided to cater to casual players. The skill gap is less, and the game mechanics are back to basics.
This is quite literally the basics for the IW 8.0 engine, built off of Modern Warfare 2019.
(Added YT links because you should be wary about clicking URL shortened links).
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- [] (Swagg‘s React, Original Guide)
- [] (Mutex‘s Guide)
- [] (Tips w/ TeeP, Improvement Guides Playlist added 7/19th)
People have been saying to me, if they play more, they’ll get better. This is debatable from my experience across different games & the meta will only carry you so far. You’re unlikely to learn all the game mechanics by just playing in your comfort zone.
After you learn the base game mechanics, you should be practicing in-game. There’s plenty more advanced techniques to learn for awareness, movement, sound cues, etc., as well as game knowledge built on map changes.